Tag Archives: Christmas

Merry Christmas Eve House Tour

Here we are at Christmas Eve already…the decorating has been done since Thanksgiving. Last week I baked all my cookies in one day! Our youngest son and wife came over the weekend, so we had our Christmas with them.  Our oldest son and family sent our presents from Texas and we opened those too. I…

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Faux Primitive Old Fashioned Peppermint Sticks

A couple months ago, I started making mesh wreaths.  Something I always wanted to try doing and after watching several YouTube videos I decided to give it a try.  One video I was intrigued with was the Dollar Store Mesh Wreath, being the “frugal” person that I am, if I’m going to screw up making…

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How to “trim” a Christmas Tree

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I honestly don’t know where the month of November went to…but here we are into December already!  Traditionally, I always put my tree up the Friday after Thanksgiving. I admit, I don’t do the Black Friday shopping anymore.  Everyone in our family just wants “money”…

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Primitive Wood Presents

The leaves are finally changing colors this week, a late peak in our area here in Western Pennsylvania.  Fall is my favorite time of year and we had some really nice, sunny days the past 2 weeks.  I even got some “fall” cleaning done! Washed some windows and even put up the “winter” curtains.  I…

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