Author Archives: TimelessTreasureTrove

Elderberry Jelly in the Instant Pot
When my husband and I were first married in 1972, I can’t believe that was 45 years ago, he would go out into the woods where we lived and pick me elderberries. I would make jars of elderberry jelly to see us through the long, winter months– almost sounds like an episode from Little House…

Happy Fall Y’All and Instant Pot
I can’t believe it’s September 22, 2017 already- First Day of Fall. This past year has gone by so fast and it’s been 9 months since I last wrote a post. Holy Smokes! A lot has happened, in April I was diagnosed with uterine cancer. That meant having a complete hysterectomy, which was done laparoscopically…

Mom’s Date Balls
Here it is December 10, 2016 and 15 days until Christmas! Have you started your Christmas baking yet? I haven’t done any serious baking, but last night while it was snowing, I decided to make these quick and easy date balls. I think these cookies are really my favorite. Either you love dates or you…

Decorating a Mantel for Fall
Hi there, This October 31, will be our one year anniversary of purchasing our retirement home. We moved in officially on May 9th of this year and I am really enjoying this retirement life…even though I still work part-time from home, it’s nice to have my hubby around all the time. People told me it’s…

Painting a Bird House using a Wax Technique
Hello, Wow, it’s been months since I’ve been able to write a blog post and I’ve really missed doing them. I have been so busy with packing and moving into our retirement home. We (hubby and me) have done some really exciting remodeling, with the help of our handy man/carpenter/jack of all trades. I hope to share some…

Decorating a Prim Dough Bowl for Easter
Hello everyone, wow, it’s been a while since I’ve been able to blog. I think the last time I posted we were in the process of buying our retirement home! We have done some remodeling and each week we come here, we load our van with “my stuff”. At one point we had a mover bring up…

How to “trim” a Christmas Tree
Hi everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I honestly don’t know where the month of November went to…but here we are into December already! Traditionally, I always put my tree up the Friday after Thanksgiving. I admit, I don’t do the Black Friday shopping anymore. Everyone in our family just wants “money”…

Primitive Wood Presents
The leaves are finally changing colors this week, a late peak in our area here in Western Pennsylvania. Fall is my favorite time of year and we had some really nice, sunny days the past 2 weeks. I even got some “fall” cleaning done! Washed some windows and even put up the “winter” curtains. I…

Green Choices: Homemade Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products
Green Choices: Homemade Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products When it comes to store-bought cleaners, it’s easy to see why they work. A whole host of dangerous ingredients lurk in these products. Substances like chlorine, ammonia and triclosan have powerful disinfecting and cleaning properties. However, they also come with a number of health threats. Yet you use…

Chocolate Protein Coffee Latte
If you are like me, you often need something for breakfast that you can take on the go. This is one of my favorites because I get my coffee and my protein! It’s also good to pack into your lunch for that mid-morning pick-me-up. You will need: 2 tablespoons heavy cream 1 cup of coffee…