Category Archives: Decorating

Merry Christmas Eve House Tour

Here we are at Christmas Eve already…the decorating has been done since Thanksgiving. Last week I baked all my cookies in one day! Our youngest son and wife came over the weekend, so we had our Christmas with them.  Our oldest son and family sent our presents from Texas and we opened those too. I…

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Repurpose a Basket into a Pumpkin

Today is the last day of summer! I don’t know about where you live, but here in Western PA, it has been hot & humid with lots of rain.  I’ll be glad when all this humidity is gone and I can enjoy it outside again.  I’m a real baby when it comes to the heat…I…

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Frugal Fall Decorating 2018

Next week is the first day of Fall, but I can never wait until then to start decorating!  The leaves are already falling here in Western PA!  Hubby even had to get the leaf blower out yesterday.  We get so many leaves from a big oak tree we have in our front yard.  Fortunately, he…

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Thinking ahead to Fall!

Today, I was out running errands and came across a yard sale. Woot Woot.  My first yard sale in over 2 years!!! When we lived in Cranberry Twp. there were community yard sales every week from May to August! I had to turn around and go check it out. She had some really nice things,…

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Decorating a Mantel for Fall

Hi there, This October 31, will be our one year anniversary of purchasing our retirement home.  We moved in officially on May 9th of this year and I am really enjoying this retirement life…even though I still work part-time from home, it’s nice to have my hubby around all the time.  People told me it’s…

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Fall Decorating For Your Dining Room Chandelier

It’s that time of year to get the fall decorating going. It takes me a while, doing one room at a time. Today, I worked on the Dining Room.  I don’t do much Fall decorating in here except for my table and my chandelier.  I changed it up a little this year because of some…

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Hooked Chair Pad

A few weeks ago my youngest son brought home this wood office chair. One of the guys where he works brought it to work to throw in the dumpster.  No one knows me better than my son, he loves Goodwill, Flea Markets, Antique stores as much as I do. He sent me text with the…

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Whisk Broom Valance

People rarely use whisk brooms anymore, when I was growing up in the 60’s it was the only way we swept the dirt out of car! Since changing my decor to a more primitive look (not that growing up in the 60’s makes me primitive) I notice a lot of whisk brooms in the decor.…

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Getting Rid of Trash to Find My Treasures!

I’m still running a couple days behind on the 31 Days 2 Get Organized with Peter Walsh.  I did tackle the magazines we were supposed to do on Day 10 – I’m only two days behind…give a girl a break!  This is what my magazine holder looked like in my Powder Room downstairs! I threw away…

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Love me some Penny Rugs!

I was so excited today to receive a Penny Rug table runner that I ordered from Homespice.  I’ve priced these in primitive stores and they are very expensive, so was happy to find an online store that carried them. I love Penny Rugs and even made a candle mat ONCE!  It takes a lot of…

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